T: +386 (0)1 422 88 77, G: +386 (0)41 710 954, F: +386 (0)1 256 49 25, E: info@replika.si, www.replika.si


računovodstvo za tujce Accounting and bookkeeping Buchhaltung und bilanzierung БУХГАЛТЕРСКИЕ Računovodstvo RAČUNOVODSTVENE USLUGE Сметководствени услуги SERVIZI DI CONTABILITÀ Accounting services

Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions for Replika d.o.o.

These terms and conditions govern your use of the Replika d.o.o. website (www.replika.si) and all services provided by Replika d.o.o. (the "Services"). By accessing or using the website or Services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not use the website or Services.

Service Agreement
The use of the Services provided by Replika d.o.o. constitutes a binding agreement between the user and Replika d.o.o. This agreement is governed by the laws of Slovenia.

Privacy Policy
Replika d.o.o. respects the privacy of its clients and their personal data. The company's privacy policy outlines how personal data is collected, processed, and used by Replika d.o.o. and can be found on the company's website.

Replika d.o.o. agrees to keep confidential any information or data received from clients, and not to disclose such information to any third parties, except as required by law.

Fees and Payment
Replika d.o.o. fees for services are listed on the website and are subject to change at any time. Fees are payable in advance, and payment is due within the time frame specified in the invoice. If payment is not received within the specified time frame, the Services may be suspended until payment is received.

Limitation of Liability
Replika d.o.o. shall not be liable for any loss or damage, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, arising out of or relating to the use of the website or Services.

Replika d.o.o. may terminate this agreement and the provision of Services to any client at any time, without notice or cause. Upon termination, the client shall pay all outstanding fees and reimburse Replika d.o.o. for any expenses incurred in relation to the Services provided.

Intellectual Property Rights
The content and materials on the Replika d.o.o. website, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, logos, and software, are the property of Replika d.o.o. and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

Governing Law
This agreement and the use of the website and Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Slovenia.

Modification of Terms and Conditions
Replika d.o.o. reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. The most current version of these terms and conditions will be posted on the website.

Accounting video

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Odličnost skupine Replika
Skupino Replika odlikujejo strokovni kadri, znanje, visoka kakovost dela in velika odzivnost.

EEPA Winner
Horizon 2020 tools

računovodja odgovarja
o računovodstvu

Če želite nasvet, finančno svetovanje, imate vprašanje,
komentar itd., nam pišite na računovodja računovodstva Replika.

Računovodske informacije

  • DDV zavezanec

    Dober računovodski servis skrbi za pravilno obračunavanje in plačevanje davka na dodano vrednost (DDV) za Vaše podjetje.

  • Računovodski izkazi

    Priprava računovodskih izkazov podjetja ni samo zakonska obveznost podjetja. Računovodstvo Replika Vam pojasni, kako lahko te izkaze uporabite za izboljšanje lastnega poslovanja ali za preverjanje poslovnega partnerja.

  • Regres in letni dopust

    V računovodskem servisu Replika poznamo odgovore na vprašanja povezana s obveznostmi delodajalca glede regresa in letnega dopusta.

  • (Ne)priznani odhodki

    Pravilno vodenje računovodstva in poslovnih knjig zagotavljajo le kakovostno opravljene računovodske storitve z davčnim svetovanjem.

  • 13. plača in božičnica

    V računovodskem servisu Replika Vas usmerjamo in Vam svetujemo pri izplačilih 13. plače in božičnice.

  • Tristranski posli

    Ne veste kako bi obračunali DDV pri tristranskih poslih? V računovodskem servisu Replika Vam lahko svetujemo kako.

  • Najpogostejša opravila v računovodstvu za podjetja (MSP)

    Družbi za računovodstvo in knjigovodstvo Replika lahko zaupate, da bo za Vaše podjetje (MSP) popolno, strokovno in ažurno opravila vsa najpogostejša računovodska opravila.

  • Pretok denarja v gospodinjstvo

    V računovodstvu Replika svetujemo pri možnostih pretoka denarja iz podjetja v gospodinjstvo.

  • Identifikacija za DDV

    V računovodstvu in knjigovodstvu Replika Vam pripravimo tudi dokumentacijo potrebno za namen identifikacije za DDV in za Vas izpolnimo potrebne obrazce.


Nepovratna sredstva EU, zastopanje podjetij, optimizacija poslovanja in vodenje projektov

Replika PRO

idejni inženiring, projekti, raziskave in optimizacija, d.o.o.

Izobraževanje, investicijski projekti, naložbe v nepremičnine in javne dražbe nepremičnin

Replika Invest

znanje za investicije d.o.o.

Replika Remote - uporabljamo programsko opremo
OpPIS in Pantheon ter dokumentni sistem EBA.

Naj računovodski servis 2012
EFQM award
Certificiran računovodski servis
Standard računovodskih storitev
Replika accounting
European business award
EU skladi